List of Tamil words in Elamite language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Elamite language
Dr. Variankaval Ramsamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Elamite, also known as Hatamtite, is an extinct language that was spoken by the ancient Elamites. It was used in present-day southwestern Iran from 2600 BC to 330 BC Elamite works disappear from the archaeological record after Alexander the Great entered Iran. Elamite is generally thought to have no demonstrable relatives and is usually considered a language isolate. The lack of established relatives makes its interpretation difficult.
A sizeable number of Elamite lexemes are known from the trilingual Behistun inscription and numerous other bilingual or trilingual inscriptions of the Achaemenid Empire, in which Elamite was written using Elamite cuneiform (circa 400 BCE), which is fully deciphered. An important dictionary of the Elamite language, the Elamisches Wörterbuch was published in 1987 by W. Hinz and H. Koch. The Linear Elamite script however, one of the scripts used to write the Elamite language circa 2000 BC, has remained elusive until recently.

Clues to read Elamite words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Elamite word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref- Glossary of Elamite words- Persepolis Fortification Tablets- The University of Chicago – Oriental Institute Publication- Volume – XCII.
English – Elamite words- Tamil
*1. mother- amla –ammaal ; ampaal [Skt] .
*2. herdsman- batera – Idaiyar
3.a locale- bati – patti / village set- da- amaiththidu
* place- da –idu send- da- ueiththidu
* place- daka-iduka bumiya -munn; poo.
9.daiva/ false god/ demon – theeyavan / bad person; poei theivam / false god; poei- false; theivam- god; deiva = thee vadivam; thee- fire; vadivam- form; deva; devi [Skt] . help- dau – uthavu
*11. taken – duk – edukka/ to take; take [ E] = edukka.
* was fed- dukaki -uoottuka/ to feed give- dunu- thanththidu
*’s self- dun – thaun
*15. ox - gud –kottiyam ; kedaa /bull .
*16. adult female cattle – mat – maadu
*17. adult female goat- hidu – aadu
18.qualification for horses- kulla-na- killai
19.twice- harriya –iru murai ; eru- two .
*20. delivered- lika- alikka
21.delivered- haullak- alikka
22.delivered- haullastu – aliththidu
23.make/ do- hutta- seiththidu
24.I built- huttara- thithiththar
*25. thus- innakaana – inkkanam approach- kani- kaanu ; anuka; letters are in reversed order.
*27. a place for keeping cattle, horses /stable- kiti –kidai; kottadi .
* pour out- kiti – kottu
*29. harm- kiyada- kaedu
*30. protect -kuktas- kaaththidu
*31. mountain- kur- kar; karini ; giri [Skt] ; root word is kar- stone .
*32. land- kur- karai /as opposed to sea
*33. baby- malli – mazhalai utter - manka- munaku /whisper
35.female- mat -maathu [Skt] ; madanthai
36.female- munus- min; maan ini ; maan inam – belongs to deer family ; maan- deer; inam- race; manusi [Indo Iranian ] .
*37. woman- mutur- maathar
* – nu – nee
* un – naan
40.we- nuku – naankka ; letter ‘n’ is read more than once us- nuku- namakku
* - onnu
*43. go- parika – pirika/ depart / leave
* go – pari - piriya / depart
45.flee- putta -oaadi poaeida ; letters are jumbled ;oaadu -to run.
46.fled- puttuka- ottaam pidikka ; oaadi poaeiduka/ to flee . sut- thaedu
* collect- sarra- saeru
*49. assembled- sarrapa- saera /to assemble
* write- talli- theettuthal
51.tell- tiri –therithar ; letters are read more than once
*52. house-ilhi – il
* cut -tukki – udaikka ; thundikka . engrave- tukki – pathikka; sethukku ; koththu ; letters are in reversed order.
55.palace- utam – maadam
56.boy / baby- zinna- sinnaan / sinnaiyan ; sinna- little/ young.